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Train with the World's Most Respected Posture Expert

Dr. Steven Weiniger is ready to take you and your practice to the next level!

Trained thousands of doctors, therapists, trainers, and other practitioners in live and online seminars and workshops hosted by associations, universities and hospitals worldwide.


Wrote Stand Taller Live Longer: A Posture & Anti-Aging Strategy, Posture Pictures: Assessment, Screenings & Marketing and the Posture Chapter in Photographic Manual of Regional Orthopaedic and Neurological Tests

Respected Authority

Expertise is featured extensively in media, including NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, ESPN, AARP and Global News, Scripps Howard, Oxygen, Prevention Magazine, Bottom Line Health, Real Simple, Women’s Health, SHAPE Magazine and industry journals.

Train to Become the Posture Specialist from the Comfort of Your Own Home

Now you can certify as a CPEP® Posture Specialist at home (or in the office).
Training Videos & Books

Complete the program through online courses you can access from anywhere using a computer, tablet or other mobile device. Your online training will be supported by the training manual, books and materials that we’ll ship straight to your door!

For Every Practitioner

If you are ready to take your practice to the next level this program is for you.
Help More People Move Well

CPEP® will teach you how to assess, rehab and strengthen posture and balance with motor control exercise. The CPEP® Framework can be individualized to use with children, teens, millennials, boomers, geriatrics – athletic to sedentary, rehab to wellness.

Join the Posture Specialist Team

CPEP® is designed for practitioners who work with patients and clients to keep their bodies functioning and moving well.

Posture Certification

✓ Train with a successful expert
✓ Gain the skills to help patients & clients
✓ Save hundreds on the certification package
✓ Get ALL the tools required for success
✓ Add new paid services immediately

This course will teach you step by step how to Become a Posture Specialist so you can help patients, family and yourself.

This program is packed with over 20 years of real practice experience.


Get access to the real-world respected techniques that will level up your practice and services.


Systematized methods that maximize how you and staff spend time in rehab to increase ROI.


Built-in ‘Cue & Do’ instruction guarantees you’ll be ready to implement the program.


Get measurable results that you can document and people will talk about.


Modify the program for all ages, goals and physical abilities. Children to geriatrics.

Fix Mistakes

The ‘Must vs Try’ methodology means you catch and correct mistakes as they happen.

Pro TIps

How simple tools grab people’s attention and can be used to make exercises easier or more difficult.


Sedentary to athletic, meet people where they are and deliver marked improvement.


From staff training to tracking progress we have the forms and process to keep you organized.


How to market your new services in-office, to the community and online.


Learn how to individualize the program, educate patients and integrate retention strategies.


Get help along the way by phone, email, web conference, comprehensive training materials and extensive web video library.

All of this, and a lot more…

These are the same concepts I’ve taught worldwide at some of the best universities and largest industry conferences.

And now you can learn them too in a step-by-step online training program.

Yours in Health,

P.S. I am really passionate about this program and poured my knowledge and experience into it. To make it even better for you I’ve included all of the necessary tools we’ve developed to ensure your success!

Course Details

✓ Tuition: Limited time only $1697 (Regular Price: $2499)
✓ Level: Beginner to Advanced. We start with a solid foundation and advance quickly to new skills and strategies to integrate a complete posture rehab program.
✓ Setting: Online on-demand video learning supported by shipped training materials and virtual sessions.
✓ CEU Available: 15 Hours
✓ Expected Completion Time: 15 Weeks (Go at your own pace, take as long as you need).

What You Will Get

When you enroll today, you'll receive instant access to:

15 Step program guides you through the course
100+ short training videos make it easy to progress at your own pace
Video demos so you understand the finer points
Spiral bound manual and books to expand your understanding (shipped)
Exercise video library to access anytime to hone your skills
Forms for everything – from tracking progress, to team training agendas, to performing posture assessments
Flyers to advertise your new services – we’ve done the work for you!

But Wait! There's More!

On top of that you'll also receive:

Access to ‘Branding & Basics’ – including 40+ social media shares, bio update, logos and more
Member Only Access to on-demand webinars on topics including special populations and conditions
Printed & Digital Certificate on CPEP training completion
Exclusive Access to Instructor & Master Trainer Support with training questions and practice customizations

Course Outline

Module 1

CPEP® Training
> Stand Taller
> Core Engagement
> Body Control
> Alignment & Motion
> Heads Up
> Anti Sitting
> Breathe Strong
> Spinal Core Connection
> 3-D Posture
> Strengthening BAM
> Posture & Balance
> Stand, Lift, Move Strong
> StrongPosture® Control

Module 2

Posture, Rehab & MCE 1
> Posture in Modern Society
> Sitting is the New Smoking
> Benchmarking Posture
> Posture Biomechanics
> Balance Assessment
> Motor Control Exercise
> Clinical Implementation
> Clinical Communication
> Public Health Message
> Alignment – Balance
> Retraining Motion
> Breathe Strong
> Creating a Posture Practice

Module 3

Posture, Rehab & MCE 2
> Posture Practice Trends
> What is Balance
> Stork by PostureZone
> Posture & Pain
> 3 Subsystems
> 5 Posture Principles
> 3 BAM Elements
> Shoulder Focus
> Upper Crossed Syndrome
> Dura Connection
> StrongPosture® Alignment
> Stand Taller Live Longer
> Posture Practice Strategy

Module 4

Posture, Rehab & MCE 3
> Science & Society
> Posture Breakdown
> Low Back Pain
> Weak Balance, Weak Posture
> Rehab Muscle or Motion
> Gait Patterns
> Lower Crossed Syndrome
> StrongPosture® Breathing
> Retraining Motor Control
> Forward Head Posture
> Functional Symmetry Assessment
> Open & Closed Chains
> Posture Practice Model

Module 5

Posture, Rehab & MCE 4
> Boomers, Back Pain & Wellness
> Arthritis, DJD, Breakdown
> Posture Degeneration
> Fall Risk Assessment
> ACE Framework
> Quantify & Document
> Lateral Observations
> Motor Control Progressions
> Core Engagement
> Passive Therapies
> Static to Dynamic Gait

Module 6

Posture, Rehab & MCE 5
> Posture Ideals & Realities
> Observational Framework
> Interventional Framework
> Mirror Mirror
> Focused Cueing
> Strengthening Motion
> Inter-Professional Communication
> Life Habits: Rest
> Life Habits: Motion
> Coupled Motion
> Posture Specialist in Modern Society

Module 7

CPEP® Branding & Basics
> Bio
> Services
> Logos
> Protocol Tips
> Billing
> Social Share

Module 8

CPEP® Videos, Forms & Images
> Balance
> Alignment
> Motion
> OnDemand Webinars
> Forms
> Flyers
> Social Images

Posture Certification

✓ Train with a successful expert
✓ Gain the skills to help patients & clients
✓ Save hundreds on the certification package
✓ Get ALL the tools required for success
✓ Add new paid services immediately

This course will teach you step by step how to Become a Posture Specialist so you can help patients, family and yourself.

Here's Exactly What You're Going to Get with CPEP Posture Certification

15 Step Posture Training Program ($1497 Value)

This step-by-step program will guide you through the business, marketing & integration strategies for successfully adding the posture rehab program into your practice. Learn, refine and perfect your skills. Get plenty of help along the way and earn a certificate on completion.

15 Hour CE Course ($325 Value)

This comprehensive training gives you the background, research, science, assessment, exercises and skills you need to effectively teach the program to patients and clients.

Basics & Advanced Resource Library ($495 Value)

Access this content anytime for branding, logos, social media shares, forms, flyers, signs and on-demand video content covering everything from special populations to common conditions.

CPEP® Training Materials ($350 Value)

We’ll ship you the StrongPosture® Rehab Protocol including spiral-bound posture rehab training manual, exercise videos, exercise handouts, Stand Taller Live Longer: Posture & Anti-Aging Strategy, and Posture Pictures: Assessment, Screenings, Marketing & Forms.

Act Now and Get These Bonuses...

Bonus 1: PostureZone Assessment Grid ($149 Value)

You’ll use this grid to show dramatic improvements with pre and post program posture pictures.

Bonus 2: Practice Posters ($94 Value)

Activate interest with the 10 Ways Strong Posture Improves Your Health Poster and the 5 Posture Principles Poster Set

Bonus 3: Community PowerPoint Lecture ($149 Value)

Use the Stand Taller community lecture to present at local groups and corporations and explain the value of your new posture services.

Bonus 4: CPEP T-Shirt & Window Decal ($28 Value)

Tell people about your new advanced posture specialist certification with the CPEP team t-shirt and CPEP window decal!

Total Value: $3089

But today you’re getting all of this…

FOR ONLY: $1697

Posture Certification

✓ Train with a successful expert
✓ Gain the skills to help patients & clients
✓ Save hundreds on the certification package
✓ Get ALL the tools required for success
✓ Add new paid services immediately

This course will teach you step by step how to Become a Posture Specialist so you can help patients, family and yourself.

Don't Just Take it From Me

Here's what your colleagues think...

Brad Grizzaffi, DC, CPEP

“Patients want to be active. The program is laid out to establish consistency and proper accountability from both the patients and your team. Now that we’ve committed 100% to becoming a Posture Practice, people have been really excited about doing the exercises. They see benefit to improving the framework of their body and are benefiting daily from the results of the program.”

Joan Wipperfurth CPT, CPEP

As wellness coordinator at a major corporation, Joan has 1750 employees currently enrolled in the fitness program. “Our company is very wellness-oriented. My CPEP training is ideal for the corporate setting. You have to get people moving, and show them the importance of good posture and alignment for everyday living. I love that my job helps people to feel and function better.”


Michael McMahan, LMT, CPEP

“Dr. Weiniger offers perspectives that I haven’t seen. The CPEP program confirms to me that posture is all very neurologically based, and the protocol, if we can redirect the attention of the client to focus on the details of their alignment and motion, and to perform the exercise with perfection and increasing strength, creates positive and lasting changes in the posture.”

Anita Kelley-Dukes, DC CPEP

“CPEP training is something you can use immediately, see immediate results, and get paid for. CPEP has been the missing link. The neuromuscular reeducation – seeing people have better balance, sustaining fewer injuries, and seeing my treatments holding longer – these are the benefits of the CPEP program.”

Tyler Tsujimoto, CPT ,CPEP

“What appeals to me about CPEP is its basis in scientific research, its techniques, tools, and appeal to a broader client base. My clients are my walking billboards, they are my advertising. It works better than anything out there… I have truly seen a huge increase.”

Raina Trevenna, OT, CHT, CWCE, CPEP

“Everybody gets something out of it. Whether you have had an injury or no injury, whether you have an active lifestyle or prefer watching t.v., whether you work on a computer all day or are on your feet…there’s something for everyone. No matter what medical field you’re in, tapping into the benefits of posture education will enrich the services you’re providing.”

Dr. Randall Smith, DC, CCPTS, CPEP 

“My two biggest focuses are patients and results. CPEPs get results. You’re equipped with enough information to adapt it to the client and get the effect you’re looking for. It’s a simple fact: You’re going to be more biomechanically efficient with StrongPosture® exercise. The more efficient you are, the healthier and the more active you can be. CPEPs not only find the mechanical deficit, but they set the course to fix it.”

Nicole Tatro, MSPT CPEP

“The CPEP Program was the ‘missing link.’ It ties in so nicely with everything I want to offer my patients. Every person that comes into my practice has a complaint about posture. Once they start doing the exercises, they can tell a difference in their problem areas. One young woman recently told me that she was breathing better! Overall, my patients are in less pain, they’re sleeping better, feeling well, and taking the initiative to change their lifestyles.”

Christian Cho, DC, CPEP

“After a couple weeks patients are able to do a full set of the posture exercises and feel great. Their mood changes, their pain is less, their function is better – they’re just so much happier. CPEP® certification has really helped me to gain knowledge and broaden the way I look at patients now, how I treat, and how I speak to them”

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I learn the program online?

Yes. We’ve designed the online training to mirror our in-class experience. You can watch the videos as many times as you need — something you can’t do at a live course. You can ask questions as you go to make sure you’re training properly. We also provide review videos throughout the course to sharpen your technique.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes. You will have access to a private forum. Simply submit your questions there and they’ll get answered by training staff. You may also call or email for support.

Am I eligible to enroll?

If you work with bodies, motion and function and you want to help more people move and breathe well, this is the course for you.

We have a diverse group of practitioners! Our CPEPs include doctors (DC, MD, DO, DDS, DPM, etc.), physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, personal trainers, athletic trainers, respiratory therapists, rehab and performance specialists, nurses, physical education teachers, wellness coaches, athletic coaches, yoga teachers, Pilates instructors, dance instructors, Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais instructors, Rolfers, physician assistants, chiropractic assistants, senior care specialists, nurses, and other health, wellness and fitness focused practitioners.

Do I have to follow a schedule?

Not at all. The training is set up for you to go at your own pace and on your own schedule. We’ve designed the program to allow you to complete it in manageable portions on the timeline that fits your schedule best.

I’ve completed the online CE course? Do I need to repeat it?

No. If you’ve taken the 15 hour online posture CE course within the last 24 months, you can apply these hours towards certification requirements. Your time and financial investment will be applied to CPEP enrollment. Email for info.

Will I need to purchase anything else?

No. All required items are included in the program cost. and are shipped once you register. We do recommend purchasing a 65cm or 75cm anti-burst exercise ball to practice with.

I can't start right now. What should I do?

Sign up! By registering now you will take advantage of the limited-time discount. You can delay your start to anytime and go through the course at your own pace.

Here is Everything You Get Today!

You will receive everything listed below plus some more additional bonuses.

15 Step Posture Training Program ($1497 Value)
15 Hour CEU Course ($325 Value)
Basics & Advanced Training Resource Library ($495 Value)
CPEP® Training Materials ($350 Value)
*BONUS 1: PostureZone Assessment Grid ($149 Value)
*BONUS 2: Practice Posters ($94 VALUE)
*BONUS 3: Community PowerPoint Lecture with Script ($149 Value)
*BONUS 4: CPEP T-Shirt & Window Decal ($28 Value)

Total Value: $3089

But today you’re getting all of this for…


*Invitation only. Limited time offer. 
I look forward to working with you to bring StrongPosture® to your community!

Dr. Steven Weiniger
Posture Expert | Author | CPEP® Founder
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