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Psychiatric Treatment, Corpus Christi: Types of Mental Therapy

Therapy is one of the most effective treatments for mental illness. It can be administered alone or together with prescription drugs. Similarly, therapy can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and personality disorders among others.

It is also worth noting that, therapy includes multiple treatment options, with each option targeting a different type of illness. If you plan on experimenting with this form of treatment, make sure you do some research.

Here are some of the most common types of mental health therapy you can ask for when looking for psychiatrists in Corpus Christi, NJ.

  • Existential therapy

This type of therapy helps to control anxiety in patients dealing with superficial fear about life such as death, responsibilities, freedom among others.

It helps you regain track of life and teaches you to resolve various life conflicts. Similarly, this type of therapy has proven beneficial for people leaving with a terminal disease like cancer or those who are incarcerated.

It helps individuals believe that they can get better and that death isn’t their potion. Existential therapy can also be used on the elderly ling in care homes.

  • Counseling

Counseling involves engaging in a one-on-one talk with a trained therapist talking about your feelings and the difficulties you face in life.

Your therapist can help you understand and cope with your situation better in a way that you’re no longer stressed about it.

Counseling is beneficial in; challenge life events like relation breakups, sexual identity, low-esteem, anger, and other mental health disorder. Besides having a one-on-one talk with your therapist, you can also receive counseling via email, phone, or online live chats.

  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a popular treatment for people suffering from traumatic events like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These victims experience recurrent flashbacks, memories, and nightmares of the traumatic event.

An EMDR specialist uses the finger technique where they ask the patient to follow the movement of their fingers as they tell their story. This technique can help people with PTSD cope with traumatic events by making them less distressing.

Nevertheless, we recommend having a strong support system with you during the treatment as the process can be very upsetting.

  • Family therapy

Family conflicts are common in most homes. Some conflicts are easy to manage while others require professional help.

In cases where family members are struggling with grief, stress, mental illness, or addiction, we suggest involving a family therapist for help.

The main goal of family therapy is to improve the relationship between family members by looking for a probable solution to their problems.

A family therapist will evaluate how your family relates with each other and how they deal with conflicts. Learn more about family therapy here


  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

CBT is closely similar to counseling and can be delivered through a self-help book, face-to-face talk, online chats, or in a group.

This therapy is a popular treatment for psychiatric illnesses associated with low mood disorders and anxiety.

It is believed that there is a connection between the way you think, feel, and react to situations. CBT uses this assumption to eliminate negative thinking patterns which change your overall behavior.


  • Art therapy

Art by itself is therapeutic. Art therapy provides a good platform where you can express and communicate your feeling through painting. It aims at providing relief to situations that individuals may find confusing or distressing.

You are allowed to draw any image without getting judged by anyone. Every treatment works differently between individuals, therefore your experience from art therapy may differ from another.

At the end of the day, what matters is how you use the tool to resolve conflicting and complicated emotions. Art therapy also involves musical or drama therapy. Find out which creative therapy works for you and make use of it. Click here to learn more on the benefits of therapy.


Mental therapy has proven beneficial to people going through various challenging situations including childhood trauma, addiction, divorce, stress, and depression. It helps patients regain control of their lives and address conflicts much better.

Keep in mind that, there are several forms of psychiatric treatment available, so do your research and find out which one works best for you.

You might also consider talking to an expert to help you identify the right treatment for you based on your underlying condition. Also, find a therapist that you’re comfortable with.