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Create a Posture Practice

Fit for the 21st Century

Progress in Motion: Integrating Posture Checks to Track Improvements

As a healthcare practitioner, you know that posture is closely tied to overall health and wellbeing. Poor posture can lead to back, neck, and joint pain, fatigue, and even respiratory or digestive issues. That’s why incorporating posture assessments into your standard care can provide tremendous value for both you and your patients.

At a minimum, aim to perform a quick posture check at the initial and final visits with each patient. Additionally, a postural photogrammetric assessment each quarter allows you to track progress over time. There are several key reasons this practice is worth the small time investment:

  • Gain insight into underlying muscle imbalances, restrictions, and weaknesses impacting posture
  • Educate patients on postural habits that may be contributing to their health complaints
  • Monitor improvements or declines in posture over the course of care
  • Demonstrate tangible changes that motivate patients to continue treatment
  • Identify needs for corrective exercises or additional therapies
  • Quantify progress and outcomes to showcase the value you provide

Posture assessments can be done using an inexpensive tool like a wall-mounted posture grid. Have patients stand in front of the grid in their natural posture, then capture photos from the front, side, and back. Look for symmetry, alignment, and weight distribution issues. Compare photos over time to illustrate progress.

Be sure to explain the purpose of posture checks to patients. Show them the photos and point out areas in need of improvement. Provide positive feedback on progress made between visits. Patients appreciate visual evidence and your expert guidance.

Incorporating more holistic posture assessments takes little time but offers immense rewards. Not only will you gather valuable clinical information, you’ll also demonstrate expanded value to patients and empower them in their health journey. With simple consistency, it’s a best practice that breeds results and referrals.


  • Posture assessment using grids are an easy addition to any practice. Capture standing posture using any digital camera or mobile device (phone, tablet, ipad).
  • Wall mount, as well as door mount and free-standing posture charts are available from BodyZone and PostureZone. These companies work with doctors, therapists, trainers and hospitals worldwide providing posture related supplies.

Posture Specialization

CPEP® Posture Specialty Training

Patient At-Home Exercise

Unlimited Patient Rehab Video Subscription 

Posture Correction Program

Posture Rehab Program with Handouts

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