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news tiger woods back surgery

Tiger Woods Back Surgery

Fox News affiliate asks expert Dr. Steven Weiniger about Tiger Woods latest back surgery. According to recent media pro golfer Tiger woods had his 4th back surgery, a spinal fusion.

Professional golfer, Tiger Woods brought back surgery to the front page of international media recently as he endured his fourth back surgery expected to keep him off the course for 6 months. The procedure performed at the Center for Disc Replacement at the Texas Back Institute was an Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) at L5/S1.tiger woods back surgery spinal fusion

WILS asks Dr. Weiniger about the effectiveness of surgery for back pain and slipped or bulging discs, and reasoning for multiple surgeries. They also discuss the role of body-mind connection, habits, athletic-trained asymmetry and posture exercise play with creating and eliminating back pain.

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Note: In the above interview Dr. Weiniger shares his personal opinion on recent media and published information about Tiger Woods back surgery. Dr. Weiniger is not Tiger Woods doctor. This information is commentary and does not constitute medical advice. If you have back pain or other pain, see your doctor.

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