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Create a Posture Practice

Fit for the 21st Century
medical referrals and back pain treatment guidelines

MD Referrals, LBP & Posture

Medical referrals, Low back pain guidelines and the Posture Specialist

Are you getting referrals from local MDs?

  • New low back pain guidelines are opening the door wide for evidence aligned clinicians that focus on posture.

Physicians’ guidelines for treating low back pain don’t usually make mainstream media headlines, but the 2017 update from the American College of Physicians (ACP) recently did. Last updated in 2007, America’s largest medical-specialty society (148,000 members) is now advising physicians to avoid prescribing drugs for “non-radicular low back pain” because research shows a better alternatives for managing back pain is chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, and Motor Control Exercise (MCE)!

This is a historic opportunity for bio-mechanically oriented practices to connect with physicians who see patients with back pain. Especially if they teach MCE’s. MCE is not just any exercise, and it’s more than just rehab. MCE like yoga, tai chi and the StrongPosture® protocols focus awareness and attention to systematically retrain fine control towards greater accuracy.

Watch the video presentation with Dr. Steven Weiniger, the Posture Expert, learn to differentiate yourself with posture rehab protocols. Posture literally sets the baseline for all locomotor function, and strengthening postural symmetry and function is the base of effective MCE. It’s also a great framework for communicating bio-mechanics to patients, the public and other professionals. And physicians from orthopedists to neurologists to PCPs all understand that when someone stands adaptively, their motion is adaptive.

Whether you’re already using the PostureZone® app to take posture pictures or just getting started focusing on posture, Dr. Weiniger will show you how the PostureZone® framework and StrongPosture® Motion Control Exercises (MCE) protocols are the foundation for referrals for the successful PosturePractice.

Join the CPEP® Network and specialize in posture rehab.

1-  Shumway-Cook A, Woollacott MH. Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice, 4th ed: Lippincott; 2012.


2- Weiniger, S, Stand Taller Live Longer: An Anti-Aging Strategy, BodyZone Press, 2008


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