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Create a Posture Practice

Fit for the 21st Century

Posture “Strong & Weak” vs “Good & Bad”

Dr. Weiniger on AARP Prime Time

PostureMedia:  AARP Prime Time Focus with Alyne Ellis (Part 3 of 5)

Listen to the interview.

Posture Guru, Dr. Steven Weiniger, says that though refering to posture as either “good” or “bad” isn’t wrong, there’s a better, more encouraging way to talk about it with your patients/clients.

“It’s strong and weak posture. When you look at it that way, it opens up the possibility of doing something about it,” he says.

When posture is strong, the head is aligned over the torso, which is aligned over the pelvis, which is aligned over the feet.  Weiniger says that there’s one easy and effective way to check how strong your posture is:  Take a picture.

“Most people are shocked [by their posture picture] where they believe themselves to be standing straight, and they see their head jutting forward like a tortoise or their upper back rounded like their grandmother’s.”

You download the free PostureZone posture assessment app for android or iphone / ipad to snap a posture picture with more detailed analysis of your posture, plus how to find a Posture Specialist to help you improve.

Forget good or bad. Posture is strong or weak. And there’s always room for improvement.”  Dr. Steven Weiniger

CPEP - Certify as a Posture Specialist!



AARP:  INTRO – “Is your posture good – or bad?” Chiropractor Dr. Steven Weiniger says that question should be phrased differently.

WEINIGER:  It’s strong and weak posture.  When you look at it that way, it opens up the possibility of doing something about it.  Strong posture is having your head more effectively balanced over your torso, over your pelvis, over where your feet are standing.  Balance, Alignment & Motion are what we call the three elements of posture.

AARP:  Your core muscles keep your body erect, but even if you work out to strengthen these muscles, you won’t have a strong posture unless you align yourself correctly.  One way to check that alignment is with a free app called PostureZone.

WEINIGER:  It lets you take a photograph of your posture standing up from the front, from the side, or from the back.  And most people are shocked where they believe themselves to be standing straight, and they see their head jutting forward like a tortoise or their upper back rounded like their grandmother’s.

AARP:  Dr. Weiniger’s book is Stand Taller~Live Longer.  Tomorrow:  Exercises that encourage StrongPosture®.  That’s Prime Time Focus brought to you by AARP.  I’m Alyne Ellis.


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