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Create a Posture Practice

Fit for the 21st Century

Posture and Productivity

Dr. Mike Jorgensen, CPEP, published in Florida newspaper

PostureMedia:  Florida Weekly

Dr. Mike Jorgensen, DC, CPEP, recently made Florida headlines with his article on posture in the workplace.

He writes, “Integrating comprehensive posture training programs in the workplace to equip workers with self-help strategies is a valuable investment in people and productivity.”

Dr. Jorgensen recently finished the BodyZone posture specialist program and is now a fully certified Posture Exercise Professional.  This article was orginally submitted to BodyZone as part of the completion requirements for the CPEP posture certification program.  Feeling that Dr. Jorgensen’s piece had an important message for professionals and public alike, BodyZone submitted the article for national media.

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