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Create a Posture Practice

Fit for the 21st Century

Posture Specialist: Peter Szakacs, DC CPEP

Posture Professional Spotlight:

Dr. Peter “Dr. Pete” Szakacs, DC CPEP
of Quantum Vitality Centres in The Villages, FL

Dr. Peter Szakacs, DC CPEP, grew up in a family of chiropractic enthusiasts and first became a chiropractic patient when he was 15 – he knew early on that this would be his career.In his years of study, Szakacs focused his attention toward evaluating posture.  When he discovered Dr. Weiniger’s classes at an FCA Convention, it was clear to him that the StrongPosture protocols would work well with his prior teachings, as well as move him forward with new techniques and skills as he prepared to move to a retirement community in Florida serving the senior population.

Upon integrating his CPEP training into practice, Dr. Szakacs began to see immediate results from his patients.  “Across the board, the number one comment I get,” Szakacs says, “is that their balance has improved.   I work with Stork on 95% of my patients and get extremely high compliance.  I am amazed to see most people, even the ones who are physically challenged, are able to show dramatic improvement.
This is phenomenal because balance and falls are the biggest issue for the maturing population.”

In addition to offering individualized posture assessments and exercises to his patients, Dr. Szakacs boasts that his patients love Stand Taller Live Longer by Dr. Steven Weiniger – and they are especially impressed that Dr. Szakacs wrote the foreword.

“I find that my custom foreword in Stand Taller~Live Longer generates more referrals and patient confidence.   We have the books sitting at the front desk with the custom foreword flagged with neon tags.  People really notice it!  Everyone is impressed when they read the foreword that I wrote.  That’s one of the reasons I love this product – it’s seeing the reactions to the foreword and the excitement they have for the book.”

Though he is spreading posture awareness successfully at his practice, Dr. Szakacs has big plans to build a PosturePractice supercenter in his town of The Villages, Florida to get more seniors active and healthy.  He plans to hold community classes and seminars for residents to inspire them to take charge of their health and practice posture strengthening exercises for improved lifestyle and greater longevity.

“StrongPosture applies to every practice.  Everybody should be incorporating it, regardless of the population they treat – hunchbacks or supermoms or seniors losing their vitality as their posture deteriorates – StrongPosture will help them maintain the active lifestyles they want.  Some will be motivated by “carrots” of posture’s benefits, or scared by the seriousness of consequence – loss of function and mortality.   Some are motivated by pain relief and less visits to doctor.  No matter the reason, posture is critical to our lives, and that’s why I am a huge proponent of the Posture Principles.”


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