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Thoughts on David & Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

The Practice of Chiropractic vs. The Big Changes of Obamacare

davidandgoliathOn the advice of a friend I’m reading David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell— The Atlantic reviews it here.

There are a lot of parallels for the chiro profession here, which dovetails with trends I’ve spoken about for years.

My takeaway: An individual professional who can economically help manage the common problem of back pain and promote wellness can do well as ObamaCare forces more healthcare changes.

Locally, groups of congruent professionals will have opportunities to build synergies and relationships in a time of change.

The challenge for the chiro profession will be to capitalize on these trends successfully may require doing some things differently.


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