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Create a Posture Practice

Fit for the 21st Century

Where in the World is Dr. Weiniger?

Dr. Weiniger in Alberta Canada

Recently, I visited Calgary, Alberta, where I led a seminar on The 3 Dimensions of the Posture Practice. This two-day seminar included learning to perform StrongPosture® Exercise Protocols, as well as teaching StrongPosture® Exercises for Rehab, Performance and Clinical Practice. The seminar was really empowering; we had some great times and learned a lot together.

Perhaps the best parts of the seminar were the CPEP feedback and testimonials. I heard some great stories about how StrongPosture® exercises have changed patients’ lives. Dr. Robert Zimmerman spoke of how his CPEP training helped one woman go from a painful, low-activity lifestyle to one that is more active, with less pain and limitations. Zimmerman says, “Her cervical posture, her movement, even her face is different.” He continues, “Yes, the adjustments have helped, but adding the PostureZone work has just been incredible for her.”

See Dr. Zimmerman discuss his experience with StrongPosture® exercises in this short video.


Beyond the scope of chiropractic care, I also received feedback from a Certified Personal Trainer, Katie Claverly, who has incorporated her CPEP training into her work. Claverly reports that her clients have enjoyed many benefits from posture strengthening exercise.

“It has been wonderful,” Claverly says. “ I have clients who can breathe better, […]who have greater range of motion in their neck, shoulders, and upper back. There’s a buzz, there’s an energy about the exercises.”

From a professional standpoint, she shares her experience, stating, “I have been a personal trainer for 10 years; I have danced for 25; I weight lift; I practice yoga. I have never found a program like this that puts posture in the proper order. I have found that with myself, I can balance better, and I have a better sense of where my center of mass is. It’s different than everything else, and it has been great.”

I was thrilled to hear how StrongPosture® exercises have changed the lives of so many, both from a patient and a professional perspective. It was incredibly fulfilling to engage with my colleagues and discuss how building a strong posture and incorporating that mantra professionally can make such a difference. To learn more about becoming a CPEP, click here.

I look forward to my upcoming travels, where I hope to hear many life-changing stories about how building strong posture has made a difference in your and your patients’ lives. Check out my Seminar events page to see when I will be coming to a city near you.

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