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Create a Posture Practice

Fit for the 21st Century

Parent Education: Student Assessments

Educating Students & Parents on Posture

School is back in session (or right around the corner).  Kids return to the classroom, sitting hunched over desks, computers, and books, carrying heavy backpacks… and many spend hours on a bus sitting, followed by hours at home glued to a television or slumped over a mobile device.

As healthcare and fitness providers, we know that this is detrimental to children’s posture and spinal health, ultimately impacting health, athletic performance, and even confidence. This is why “Back to School” is a prime opportunity to educate teachers, students and parents about the importance of StrongPosture®.

Tip: Remind parents it’s time to schedule annual posture checks for their children. Tracking posture changes on a yearly (or quarterly) basis trains parents to become posture aware. Compare previous pictures with Mom or Dad, noting improvement or decline. If you’re taking annual posture pictures you’ll find many tech-obsessed youth will show measurable decline unless they’re participating in a motor control exercise program like StrongPosture®.

Involve parents by assigning homework: “Download the PostureZone app, check your family’s posture quarterly, and be sure to alert me if you see any changes.”

3 Ways to Promote Posture Checks this Month

    1. Go Back to School. Many schools are happy to host health practitioners from the community. PostureZone makes screenings simple – portable grids are eye-catching and easy to set up (plus they’re on sale), and are a great tool to show and explain postural deficiencies. You can take a professional posture picture using the PostureZone app.  Download the app, take pictures (get permission first), and give to parents or teachers as a clinical reference on their child’s posture.
    2. Celebrate. Host a “Back to School” kickoff at your office. Provide some fun activities and free posture assessments. Share with the whole family how this picture can be a tool to improve posture from kids to geriatrics. The new Kidz Grid is the perfect way to involve younger children.back to school flyer posture check
    3. Take One and Pass the Rest Down. Download this free flyer to promote your practice and posture awareness. This is good info for parents, and the physical education and health teachers at local schools and learning centers.


CPEP - Certify as a Posture Specialist!

For more about StrongPosture® and to incorporate it in your practice get the Posture Rehab Exercise Program and take the latest training via online course or hands-on seminar.

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